“There is no compulsion in religion. The right way now stands clearly distinguished from the wrong.” (2:256)
Embracing Islam is a decision you must make freely, for you alone will be ultimately accountable on the Day of Judgement for your intentions and actions.
If you decide on your own or with the help of others to become Muslim, the Islamic Center can assist you with declaring the Shahada (Oath of Islam). Inform the office of the Islamic Center of your request by scheduling an appointment. The Islamic Center will assign someone to meet you and explain the basics. You may take the shahada on the spot or at a later appointment.
The procedure for embracing is simple. You repeat the following words in English (and in Arabic if you wish): "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Mohammad is His Messenger."
If you request, you will be issued a certificate from the Islamic Center confirming that you have taken the Shahada.
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